Starting November, Air France will be phasing in a new in-flight entertainment programme on board its long-haul flights.
It will focus primarily on cinema, with a choice of 85 films, some of which translated into nine languages (German, English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese). Customers will be able to view around 10 box office films currently showing in cinemas.
With an international clientele of over 55 per cent, Air France aims to cater for everyone’s taste and culture. Music-wise, Air France offers 23 audio channels, with video clips and, exclusively for Air France, the highlights of the French live music programme Taratata to which the most famous international artists are invited.
Foreign language courses launched in April are part of the in-flight entertainment. Up to 23 beginners’ courses are available: English, French, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish, German, Cantonese, Korean, Greek, Russian, Arab, Hindi, Malay, Thai, Indonesian, Tamil, Dutch, Vietnamese, Turkish, Tagalog and Danish.
The audiovisual beginners’ course, produced by Berlitz, is available in each of these languages. It is totally interactive, and consists of a course given by a teacher, with pronunciation exercises, tests and even games that enable you to put what you have learnt into practice.
At the end of each course, your performance is rated.
Another new feature is the Relaxline programme which enables each customer to relax according to a personalized programme.
Finally, Air France is planning to trial mobile phones on board of one of its Airbus A318 aircraft. The trial will cover two consecutive phases lasting three months.
To begin with, Air France will offer its customers the opportunity to test data exchanges (e.g. SMS and emails), followed by calls on board. During the flight, customers will be asked to fill in a questionnaire and, depending on the results, Air France will decide whether or not to extend this process to all its flights.