Emirates has presented special awards to two members of the airline's cabin crew for saving the life of a passenger who had a heart attack on board a flight to Nairobi.
Dr Alasdair Beatton, head of medical services, presented cabin service director Diaa Hossny Ahmed Farrag and cabin crew member Tracey Leanne Carlton with special, heart-shaped badges in recognition of their efforts. The incident occurred on board flight EK421 Dubai to Nairobi on July 1 when a 60-year-old passenger complained of heartburn and began vomiting two hours into the flight. Dubai-based Dr Neil Livingston, responded to the call for a doctor and examined the passenger, who was thought to be suffering from indigestion. The passenger received some treatment but collapsed a short time later. Carlton, recognising a heart attack, called for the defibrillator, carried on board every Emirates aircraft, to be brought while she and Dr Livingston applied CPR. A single shock was sufficient to kick start the heart into beating regularly. A telephone call from the plane to Medlink ensured that a hospital had been alerted and a doctor and ambulance waiting at the airport. Dr Beatton said to date, over 30 lives have been saved on international flights by airlines carrying a defibrillator.