WRTD key events

World Responsible Tourism Day WTM 2007 discussion

Wednesday November 12: 1030-1100 Official opening with Fiona Jeffery, features Mark Edwards, international photographer and part of his dramatic ‘Hard Rain’ presentation, with the music and words of singer Bob Dylan.
1100-1200  Hosted by Stephen Sackur, presenter, BBC World’s Hard Talk presentation of the Virgin Holidays Responsible Travel Awards.
1200-1230  Stephen Sackur puts Ed Fuller, Marriott International’s president, head of the world’s biggest hotel group, in the hot seat.
1230-1240   Earth Lung presentation with Sri Lanka and the UNWTO.
The afternoon will focus on the role of operators and hoteliers in developing the sustainable tourism agenda and the issues they can impact and influence:
1400-1500   WTM WRTD Tour Operators debate
1530-1630   WTM WRTD Hoteliers debate
1630-1715   Hard Rain presentation
1715  WTM WRTD networking reception.
