New hotel course launched


Falcon College of Hotel Management & Tourism has announced the launch of the first hotel management and tourism programme in Abu Dhabi.

“The idea of a hotel management school came when we discovered we were missing a training centre for our young aspiring hoteliers and thus there is a shortage of manpower here in Abu Dhabi. This training centre should help encourage more local students to come forward into this sector, since now they have a choice of doing the course here in Abu Dhabi instead of travelling abroad,” said Abdulla Abduljalil Al Fahim the chairman of the Falcon College.
The efforts of Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority in developing tourism in the city encouraged the need for an educational institution that comple-mented the growing industry, he said.
“We recognise that the hospitality and tourism industry in Abu Dhabi and the region as a whole is flourishing and employers require bright, capable people to complement their teams. The programme is designed to meet this need,” he told TTN.
The hospitality programme, which from its inception was accredited by the UAE Ministry of Education & Scientific Research, is the first of its kind to be introduced in Abu Dhabi. It is being billed as being on par with international qualifications. The college is affiliated to the Cesar Ritz Colleges in Switzerland, whose faculty will visit the Abu Dhabi campus regularly.
A new campus is being constructed for Falcon College, to be ready within two years. “Almost Dh35 million ($9.5 million) has been earmarked for the new campus, set to open by 2008 and with a capacity of 500 students.”
Annual fees at the college will be around Dh25,000 and the college is now accepting applications for degree courses that begin in January 2007. 
