First Horeca Kuwait exhibition a resounding success

Horeca Kuwait

THE first ‘Horeca Kuwait’ exhibition for food industries and hotel equipment and services, organised by the Lebanese company, Hospitality Services, and the Kuwaiti company, Diplomat International, attracted several key businessmen and investors who discovered new products and services distributed over 53 wings.

(Thirty seven wings hosted Kuwaiti exhibitors while the remaining 16 received foreign exhibitors such as Lebanese, UAE, Bahraini, Jordanian, and US companies.)
During the opening of the exhibition the under-secretary of the Kuwaiti Ministry of Trade and Industry, Rachid Al Tabtabani, praised the importance of this event and declared that “the exhibition is comprehensive and meets the needs of a large segment of the society such as hotel, restaurants and cafés owners… The commercial opening of Kuwait and its commercial boom require the organisation of such exhibitions that contribute to the country’s commercial activity.”
Among others, the exhibition hosted companies working in the following sectors: food products, beverages, kneaders and ovens, food services, washing, maintenance and cleaning, tableware, linen, employees and workers uniforms, elegance, filling and packaging, furniture, IT systems and software, telecommunication, security, audiovisual means, site organisation services, conferences, management of big areas, training, specialised schools and universities.
