DSS events promise to be unique in their own way


THE Dubai Summer Surprises 2004 (DSS) Organising Committee recently reviewed the details on the array of activities to be showcased during this year’s edition, which will span over 10 weeks from June 17 to August 27.

Saeed Mohammed Al Nabouda, CEO, DSS, presided over the meeting. Among those present were Ibrahim Saleh, COO, Ibrahim Abdul Rahim, director of Modhesh Fun City and Yousif Mubarak, administration manager of DSS. During the meeting, Al Nabouda highlighted the action plan for the media campaign, which will help promote the coverage of the DSS activities, both locally and internationally. The prime objective of the media campaign is to attract more visitors and families to the many activities organised during the ten weeks of entertainment, knowledge and fun of DSS 2004.
Al Nabouda announced that the participation of the DSS during the ATM helped in enhancing the profile of the DSS and promoted its unique activities in front of an enthusiastic audience of participants and visitors. Other participants at the DSS Organising Committee meeting assured that the various events organised during the DSS were unique in their own way and some of them were being unveiled for the first time, which will be a huge draw for the families turning up at the various venues. Al Nabouda added that the DSS is poised to attract a large number of sponsors, primarily because the sponsors are assured of reaching a wide target audience.
