After exposing your precious skin to the sun throughout an entire summer season, treat it to some intensive care.
The Laveda Spa at The Ritz-Carlton, Istanbul Laveda Spa provides you with a heaven of relaxation and tranquillity, where unique skin care programs to refresh your skin and to combat with the negative effects of sun, are offered, said a spokeman.
Laveda Spa offers you the application of miraculous skin care programs with totally natural seawater and marine algae based “Thalgo Cosmetics”. You may rejuvenate your skin with deep cleansing and moisturizing Beta H treatment that gives you a live, relaxed, and velvet skin. 02 Marine Replenishing Mask, which is a hydrating and tissue oxygenating treatment helps you to combat premature skin aging, replenish and restore a clear, healthy glow to your skin after sun. Laveda Spa therapists, who are trained by French and American beauty specialists recommends 02 Marine Replenishing Mask application over a four weeks period to get the best result from this miraculous treatment that intensively moisturizes skin and smoothes the existing wrinkles, said a spokeman.
Apart from these treatments, you may experience Ultimate Hammam Treatment offering a full head to toe exfoliation and cleansing ritual, which concludes with an application of silky moisturizers through a tranquil light massage that results in a silky and glowing skin, said a spokeman .