UKvisas has announced today the launch of its Gulf Marketing Campaign.
The UK-OK! Campaign encompasses the theme of ‘Ribat’, reflecting the strong nature of the relationships traditionally acknowledged between the GCC countries and the United Kingdom
Working in partnership with the British Council and Visit Britain UKvisas has invested significantly in this innovative and strategic marketing campaign.
Visa demand in the region is currently strong, and customer satisfaction, in terms of our current service levels is high. UKvisas is proud of this record, and is continuously working to further develop visa services, said a statement. Improving the accessibility of the UK’s visa services through new Visa Application Centres and the introduction of electronic fingerscanning – designed to protect identity and improve security – are the next steps in global efforts to improve the UK’s visa services.
Foreign Office Minister Lord Triesman said: “The UK has a unique and historic relationship with the people of the Gulf. We are proud of this relationship and our position as one of the primary destinations for travel, tourism, business and study. We want to maintain and enhance our position as the destination of choice in what is becoming an increasingly competitive global market. The UK-OK! Campaign signals the introduction of new initiatives designed to make the visa service attractive to our valued Gulf customers while maintaining a strong control against people trying to enter the UK for illicit purposes.”
The campaign will consist of an integrated marketing communications and advertising campaign. The campaign is being launched throughout the Gulf in a series of press briefings hosted by Ambassadors.