New Frontiers awards to be ATM highlight


Egypt and Lebanon lead a pack of ten international contenders for the second New Frontiers Award, to be presented at this year’s Arabian Travel Market (ATM).

This is the first year the award, Reed Travel Exhibitions (RTE), is being presented alongside ATM. The unique award consists of $10,000 worth of complimentary exhibition space at ATM 2008 will be given to the destination that has made an outstanding contribution to tourism development in the face of overwhelming adversity.
Short-listed destinations were judged on a number of decisive factors such as, their utilisation of aid packages, government support, tangible efforts of recovery and the sheer determination of the human spirit.
ATM runs from May 1 to 4 at the Dubai International Exhibition and Convention Centre, is in its 14th year, and features over 2600 exhibitors from 60 countries. It expects to attract as many as 15,000 trade visitors.
Pg 4: Biggest ATM ever
