Premium Travel 2007 cancelled


PREMIUM Travel 2007, which was due to take place in London on May 15 and 16, has been cancelled.

Despite the highest number of pre-registered hosted buyers since the event’s launch in 2005, unfortunately the support from participating companies in  the luxury travel sector has not been enough to ensure the event continues to provide the consistent business forum of earlier years.
“Premium Travel, delivered a dedicated luxury event that bought buyers and sellers together in the unusual atmosphere of a unique venue – London’s Royal Albert Hall. It was created because of the demand from the sector to have a focused event in the UK. Every effort has been made to build on its early success and to engage new companies for 2007 in order to expand, but at the end of the day it just did not get the support required. We will maintain a close watch on the sector and consider the future for such an event again if the industry requires it”, says Dominique Gill, event director, Haymarket Exhibitions. 
