Tourism company launches Schumie perfume

Scent of success: Michael Schumacher

A new management and promotions company is to be launched this month to promote Bahrain as an international leisure, business and tourism destination. Management Directions International (MDI) will be launched under the patronage of Crown Prince, BDF Commander-in-Chief and Economic Development Board (EDB) chairman Shaikh Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa on March 7 at the Diplomat Radisson SAS Hotel.

MDI’s operations in Bahrain will start with the launch of Michael Schumacher collection of perfumes for men and women, said company managing director Essa Sayyar. “MDI has been appointed as exclusive distributors of LR products from Germany which are mainly promoted by celebrities,” he said.
“Besides launching the unique perfumes, we want to start our operations on a charity note. We expect Schumacher also to attend the ceremony. We shall auction T-shirts and caps signed by him, the proceeds from which will be donated to the Bahrain Disabled Sports Federation (BDSF).”
Sayyar said BDSF chairman and Interior Ministry Under-Secretary Shaikh Daij bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, and officials of the General Organisation for Youth and Sports and Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry, were also expected to attend the ceremony.
MDI director Mina Lee said more than 200 people would attend the inaugural ceremony. "We are proud to start our operations by launching a product in the name of the only racing driver to win world championship seven times," she added. "A second launching of the product will be held at one of the VIP stands at the Bahrain International Circuit on March 12."
Sayyar said the new company would follow directions from Shaikh Salman, who is keen to increase the contributions of the private sector to Bahrain's gross domestic product (GDP). “We want people from other countries to visit Bahrain to enjoy, shop and invest,” he said.
Plans are also under way for MDI to organise specialised conferences and exhibitions, said Sayyar.
