Sheraton Abu Dhabi re-make on schedule


A spectacular $40 million refurbishment of the landmark Sheraton Abu Dhabi Resort and Towers is "just about complete and the results are magnificent", the property's general manager Robert van Meerendonk said.

"This is the flagship hotel in Abu Dhabi, it reflects the image of the UAE capital, so the end product had to be particularly special - and it is," said van Meerendonk, one of the region's most experienced and highly-regarded hoteliers.

The three years' work was done in phases to ensure minimum disruption to guests.

The first stage saw the completion of Palm Resort in the hotel complex, then 100 guest rooms were refurbished in the second phase.

Stage three saw the reopening of the imposing lobby, conference area and restaurant outlets.

The huge project will be wrapped up in July with the completion of refurbishment to the final 172 guest rooms.

"The property still gives its warm, welcoming feel when guests arrive, but everything here is totally state-of-the-art. As the refurbishment has been done over three years there has been time for great attention to detail.

"While this is clearly a hotel for the new millennium, the property retains all aspects of its famous appearance of resembling a traditional Arabic fort. This landmark property still has its grand 'look' for sure."
