Jordan hospitality forum on track to be sell-out: organiser


The International Hospitality Forum (IHF 2002) in Amman this month is expected to be a total sell-out, say organisers.

The organiser, Beirut-based Hospitality Services, says more than 85 per cent of available exhibition space has already been booked.

"It is likely that the total exhibition space will be filled up much ahead of time," said VahŽ Mekhssian sales representative at Hospitality Services in Beirut.

"More than 100 companies will be exhibiting. Many brands will be represented directly or through their agents."

Seminars, workshops, meetings and competitions related to tourism, hospitality and the food service sector will gather all the key players of the hospitality and food service industries in Jordan.

One seminar will tackle the "Key Success Factors in the Restaurant Industry". IHF 2002 is also introducing new features this year, such as the Culinary Art Show.

Prominent chefs will compete and demonstrate their artistic and creative talents in competitions such as live fruit and vegetable carving, live ice carving, chocolate showpiece and three-tier wedding cake decoration competition.

In addition, visitors will be able to discover how to set dinner tables at a newly introduced Table Setting Competition. The very successful Test Kitchen event, with live cooking and tasting will be held again this year.

Several high-level networking events are organised alongside the forum to maximise interaction between the key players in the tourism and hospitality sectors.

A familiarisation trip to Aqaba will be organised for potential investors to look at available opportunities in the tourism, leisure and hospitality sectors, the organiser said.

IHF 2002 will be held on October 15-17 at Zara Expo in Amman.

It is officially supported by Jordan's tourism and antiquities ministry, the Jordan Tourism Board, the Jordan Hotel Association and the Jordan Restaurant Association.
