Movenpick builds a house for Juma

Movenpick Hotel Dar es Salaam staff and guests help build a house

Movenpick Hotels & Resorts Africa division and Habitat for Humanity Africa & the Middle East recently launched their first house build in Chamazi, Mbagala area 20 kilometres from Dar es Salaam.
The house with two bedrooms, a living area, a bathroom and a shower room was built for Juma Maani, a 14 year old primary school student and his family. The house was built with the help of more than 20 employees and guests of the Movenpick Hotel Dar es Salaam, and around 12 media representatives, who also attended the launch event and contributed to helping Juma and his family.
The unique partnership agreement that was signed last February earlier this year, between the Swiss based hotel chain, Africa division, and the global non-profit housing organisation, was the beginning of a new era to help many families in need to gain a brighter future in Tanzania and later on, in the other countries in Africa.
The partnership was kicked off during a cocktail reception in February this year at the Movenpick Royal Palm Hotel Dar es Salaam, followed by a press conference, attended by royal highnesses  the duke and duchess of Gloucester KG GCVO, patrons of Habitat for Humanity Great Britain, the board members of both Habitat for Humanity Tanzania and Great Britain and Habitat for Humanity Tanzania, and the management and employees of the Movenpick Royal Palm Hotel Dar es Salaam.
Movenpick Hotels & Resorts and Habitat for Humanity will together support and provide simple housing solutions for local communities in need. Both represent a great corporate citizenship by serving to establish, and build ‘Habitat for Humanity’ homes. This in return will raise awareness about the vital need for a positively economical and healthy shelter for the families of Tanzania.
Through the generosity of Movenpick Royal Palm Hotel guests, and Habitat for Humanity, Tanzania will be able to leverage their contributions to improve the lives of hundreds of families with good housing, drinkable water, and healthy living conditions.
Habitat for Humanity International is a global non-profit housing organisation that works with people in need to build simple, affordable homes and that welcomes to its work all people dedicated to the cause of eliminating poverty housing. Since 1976, Habitat has built more than 225,000 houses providing simple, decent and affordable shelter for more than one million people in about 90 countries around the world.
