Top deals from TopHits


THE summer of 2006 will be centered around 150 years of hotels in St Moritz. Upon the initiative of its owner, Johannes Badrutt, the Engadiner Kulm, today’s Kulm Hotel, was the first to open in St Moritz in 1856.

Apart from numerous festivities in town and celebrations around the world, the summer will also mark 100 Years of the Engadin Museum, 40 Years of the Hotel Europa and 75 Years of the Hotel Sonne.

You can now book the special offers for the spring in the mountains and the Indian summer. Only staying at home is cheaper: TopHit offers are available starting at CHF158 ($126).
The package includes three nights in a dormitory, breakfast, during three days free use of the mountain railways of the Upper Engadin and public transportation (train and bus). In the standard category (two- and three-star hotels), the TopHit costs CHF287 per person for three nights in a double room with the same inclusives; while stays of five or seven nights are also available. Children up to five years’ of age are free of charge in their parents’ room. For children between six and 16, all TopHit packages offer a 50 per cent discount for accommodation in parents’ rooms.
Around 80 Upper Engadin hotels of all categories, all of the mountain railways of Engadin/ St Moritz and the public transportation system, are participating in the TopHit offers. This enables guests to choose their accommodation according to their individual preferences and to go on as many excursions as they like to experience the alpine world of the Engadin.
The packages are available up to July 15 and from August 19 through to the season's close on October 22.
