New vision at Kuwait Airways


A five-year strategic road map has been developed and a new company guideline is approved by the board of directors of Kuwait Airways Corporation (KAC).

The new guideline formulated by Lufthansa Consultancy outlines the primary goals for the upcoming years. It is reflected in a new vision and mission statement as well as the company’s goals and values.
The new guideline shall serve Kuwait Airways as the basis for all future decisions as it will set the framework for the upcoming years. The company guideline is the answer of a company to the question for what reason it does exist and outlines for Kuwait Airways the issue of ‘Why do people want to fly with us?’
The new corporate strategy takes into consideration that Kuwait Airways is very likely to be privatised in the future and, therefore, has to become financially independent and operationally efficient without losing its local core values and traditions. In addition, it highlights the fact that the carrier will continue to operate as an international carrier, serving destinations in Europe, Asia and North America.
In order to achieve this strategy, more emphasis is being put on the training of KAC’s human resources to equip them with increased efficiency for the benefit of the corporation in the long run. Clearly, the focus is on moving away from the present company culture, which reflects that of a government ministry, towards an independent and financially-independent corporation that operates according to international management standards.
Lufthansa Consulting believes that Kuwait Airways has to become more market oriented by optimising the core processes through a reduction of organisation units to the core functions. It also believes that by creating more empowered regional offices the organisation as a whole will gain more flexibility and achieve better market responsiveness. Kuwait Airways has already begun to work on its new vision.
