Malaysia remains to be a safe destination for tourists, a consensus agreed by most foreigners visiting the country.
The huge turn out at the grand launch of Citrawarna or Colours of Malaysia 2003 in Kuala Lumpur recently was testimony to the world that Malaysia is a safe country for foreigners. More than 200,000 spectators, including over 1,400 foreign media and tour representatives from 32 countries attended the launch, which showcased the unique blend of Malaysia's multicultural diversity and performances of some 20 cultural troupes. The 6,000 performers, who donned colourful costumes, kept foreign journalists busy snapping photos and filming. Among the foreign journalists were 34 TV stations' crews including BBC, CNBC, AXN and CNN. Scores of journalists and foreign tour operators who witnessed the dazzling display of costumes, cultures and local entertainment, said they were impressed with Malaysia's hospitality, the various food and multi-racial society. Besides the foreign media and tour operators, foreign tourists on holidays in Malaysia also agreed that the country is safe from Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and even terrorism.